Mary Kelly, RN has officially retired after 26 amazing years of service to the firm’s clients.  Mary provided tireless on-site trial support in multiple states through the years, including Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, Ohio, and New Jersey.  Mary is an amazing credit to her profession.  After two decades as a practicing registered nurse, Mary initially entered the field of legal nurse consulting in the late 1990s after joining a Florida nursing home plaintiff law firm.  She was tasked with reviewing a nursing home chart to determine where the nursing home caregivers fell below the standard of care.  When Mary told the managing partner of that law firm that the caregivers provided excellent care, that attorney told Mary that her services were no longer needed.  That event convinced Mary that she needed to be on the noble side of defending nursing homes and assisted living facilities and their amazing caregivers.  Ullman Bursa Law and its wonderful clients benefited greatly by that choice.  We will dearly and daily miss Nurse Mary.  Known as our office early bird, she always arrived at the office by 6 a.m. and was an invaluable mentor to our attorneys and staff.  We wish Mary much happiness in her well-deserved retirement !!! 

We love you, Mary !!

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