LeadingAge Florida Bulletin: Survey Trends

LeadingAge Florida members have been experiencing issues with increased scrutiny in the CMS nursing home survey process. To help our members prepare and deal with the increased scrutiny, the weekly Survey Bulletin will provide a summary of key survey findings so our members know what is being cited and can plan effectively. The past few weeks we have been addressing the top ten deficiencies being cited in the state of Florida. The number nine deficiency for 2018 in Florida is F584 – Safe/Clean/Comfortable/Homelike Environment. Some examples of the deficiencies are:

  • Air conditioner/heating units not maintained
  • Condensation and mold like matter on vents
  • Loose handrails, slime on shower room floors
  • Over bed light not working, cord missing
  • Cracked tiles, feces like odor, stained brief on floor
  • Open sewage pipe, dead mature roaches in kitchen, janitorial closet, behind dishwasher. One live juvenile roach in drawer with IV supplies

To view the summary of cited deficiencies click here. Each week in the LeadingLink under Connie Cheren’s Regulatory Update she addresses how to assure compliance with this F tag. To read this week’s article, click here.

Connie Cheren, RN, MSW, LeadingAge Florida’s Clinical and Compliance Specialist, can be reached via email or phone at (678) 778-0561 to help answer questions before, during and after your surveys. As a value-added service provided by LeadingAge Florida, Connie can help nursing home and assisted living facility members improve regulatory compliance and clinical outcomes, in addition to offering suggestions about corrective plans of action to improve your surveys.